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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My word for 2012

yesterday's weigh-in: 150.6lbs
up about 2.5lbs from week before.  this is what a week with the MIL will do to you!  she's a very good cook & makes all of our favs.  plus a rip roaring NYE night out.  sigh.  guess I'm getting back on the bandwagon like everyone else to start 2012.  Right now - trying to break the sugar addiction plus have a fill appointment next week.  Heading to kickbox tonight.

After a lot of thought, I came up with my word for 2012.  Star.
Many different definitions for star but here are my favs from Merriam-Webster.....
               intransitive verb
               : to play the most prominent or important role 
               : a waxing or waning fortune or fame <her star was rising>
I chose this word for 2012 because I want to star in my own life this year.  I feel like I've spent so many years hiding or doing my best to not be noticed.  Not anymore.  I worked very hard to get here & I want to enjoy it.  To shine.  Yes, I will star in photos.  I will dress super cute & even sexy (but not trashy - I am a lady after all).

Yesterday as I was driving into the office, I was thinking I even need to star more at work.  In all honesty, I checked out a bit last year but now its time to step it up again.  Then later in the afternoon, I had an org discussion with the boss.  He's going to re-org again...I'm picking up more products, more people & more responsibility.  This is a significant increase in my span of control.  Look at that - another opportunity to star. :)




MandaPanda said...

What a great word!!!

Rhonda said...

Awesome word! I hope you seize every opportunity to shine this year! :)