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Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I've been feeling blah. run down. tired.  this is really not like me - especially not since losing all this weight.  Over the weekend, I really needed to work out in the garden - something I usually love.  But somehow I couldn't manage to get my butt in gear.  (I did finally get out there by only enough to clean up the front yard - still gotta clean up the back & put all my pots in the garage for winter) Maybe its the season, maybe its the time change, maybe its the looming holidays that I hate.  maybe...

The hubs commented maybe I wasn't eating enough carbs.  This got me that I am so close to goal, maybe there are less reserves on my body & I need to rebalance what I'm eating.  I've always tried to stick to the bandster way of life - protein first plus maybe some veggies.  No bread, no rice, no pasta plus do my best to limit sugar intake.  Is that what it should *always* be??  I'm not "low-carb" by any stretch but my daily carb intake is under 100gr.

I've noticed I tend to get dizzy or woozy if I don't eat at least a little something every few hours.  Being this skinny is a new frontier for me.  So, this week I'm consciously trying to add carbs *back* into my diet. I'm going with a small roll with some goat cheese as a mid-morning snack.   My restriction level is quite good - I can pretty much eat whatever I want but only a few bites & not much hunger.  I have mixed emotions about this little experiment.  For me, I think carbs are the devil & I'm afraid that a "little" could quickly turn into a "lot."  Also afraid I'm going to pack on 5lbs overnite.  mental, I know.  However, I'm starting to feel perkier & more alert.  Let's see if I can get back some of that old fire in Kickbox tonight....

Another thing I am going to try are B12 shots.  Anyone tried them?  I've been taking b12 orally for awhile now.  Definitely gross tasting but I can tell my energy flags on days I miss a dose.  However, I know my body does not absorb much of it since it passes right through & turns my pee neon yellow.  I've heard the body absorbs more of the b12 when delivered via a shot.  Plus, there was recently a deal on Groupon - so I'm going to give it a shot (bad, I know).  I bought a 15-shot package & shots are supposed to be done weekly.  First appt is tomorrow.  I'll post updates.....




MandaPanda said...

You may want to have your iron tested as well. Sometimes anemia can cause fatigue and general ickiness. Let us know if this experiment works.

Rhonda said...

I hope the shots work for you, I know I'm definitely in the same place with the fatigue.

Good luck with re-introducing some more carbs. Let us know how it goes. :)