Monday's weigh-in 178.2lbs
down about 2lbs from last week.
I did have this whole post planned about how the world has tilted to explain my recent stall but last week's loss ditched that plan. Although Mondays are my "official" weigh day, I do hit the scales during the rest of the week and I've been sitting at 180 for quite awhile now. Yesterday's weigh-in was quite a surprise, actually.
I do spend a lot of time reading others' blogs & I had noticed a lot of people lately have been stalled. Nice to know I'm not the only one out there & other people are feeling the same frustrations.
Great - looks like I'm losing again.....just in time for another work trip! I leave Friday morning for Malaysia & Singapore. I've never been to these cities before so I'm excited to visit but they are far, far away. Trip to Kuala Lumpur is about 22hrs actual flight time - can you butt-numb-athon???
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